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Sooo… The presence restrictions preempt state law, but the residency restrictions don’t? I must have read it wrong. You Da’ man Tony. Uh, I mean Jeff.

Disappointing; but I suppose it beat’s a blank. It’s too bad there are people like Jeff Stone, who unarguably broke the law by impersonating a cop, are allowed to hold public office. At least I don’t have to worry if I get a flat tire within 300′ of one of the locations on the “list.” Thanks once again Janice, Frank and everyone else; it feels like each time one of these city’s repeals or stay’s their illegal ordinances I get a little bit of my dignity back.

This is honestly a truly disturbing article. I mean, whats truly next. To think sex offenders where both banned from parks, beaches, libraries and movie theaters some time back is surreal. I mean, to be honest, I really had no idea these laws where enacted and to say the least, I really can’t keep up with the ordinances every city has? You would literally have to have a computer in your lap with everywhere you go? For myself, I really haven’t been affected too much, but it still hurts (Im running around 19 years later with an expunged misdemeanor and summary probation/masseuse related). So, to think I’m banned from anywhere is nuts. If this would have continued, what would have been next? The city of Cerritos would have banned sex offenders from their music center? Maybe we would be banned from malls? Skate parks? Disney Land? Childrens movies? Driving at night? LIfe registration/thats already done? The sad part is that the DA of OC clearly is trying to sell the judicial system as unable to rehabilitate first time offenders? Thats disturbing. I’m in the process of filing a certificate of rehab in LA. I attempted it once in OC , but the DA was nuts. Please wish me well. Expunged misdemeanors with no priors or anything thereafter. BYe

A series of lawsuits (I’m talking about one for each registrant affected) is in order with punitive and compensatory damages – to the tune of millions. An ouster of each of these charlatans disguised as public officials should follow…

The article makes a reference to Donald Schmidt, a rare case involving the murder of a child. This man was convicted as a juvenile and due to a mistake overturned by the court of appeals, he DOES NOT REGISTER AS A SEX OFFENDER. He was only released because he was convicted as a juvenile. (Other juveniles have been convicted as adults for far less serious crimes). Since these ordinances routinely apply to REGISTERED sex offenders, it would likely not apply to him. It’s just another red herring tactic to distract voters from the real issues.

This does not surprise me at all. Riverside County has long rivaled Orange County for using registrants and their cases for political reasons and happily stripping registrants of their rights. I seriously hope their failure to remove all the restrictions is greeted with legal action.

Fair enough. If they keep any of the restrictions, they will be sued. No reason to wring our hands; Janice is batting a thousand so far, and one way or another the restrictions will drop.